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Fischer vs. Karpov: The 1975 World Chess Championship

Fischer vs. Karpov: The 1975 World Chess Championship

The American Bobby Fischer won the World Chess Championship at the age of 29 by defeating the Soviet Boris Spássky in the legendary 1972 match held in Reykjavík (with a score of +7=11-3), thus ending the Soviet hegemony that had prevailed since Botvínnik succeeded the late Alekhine in 1948. Fischer’s road to the top was an extraordinary demonstration of superiority, beginning with his commanding victory in the strong 1970 Palma de Mallorca Interzonal, 3.5 points ahead of Larsen, Géller and Hübner. His 6-0 victories over Taimánov and Larsen in the 1971 Candidates matches is a one of a kind event, not unlike his final victory over Petrosián (+5=3-1).

Soon thereafter, Soviet Anatóly Kárpov won the Candidates cycle brilliantly, starting with his shared victory at the 1973 Leningrad Interzonal (tied with Korchnói), and then in 1974 winning the matches against Polugaévsky (+3=5-0), Spássky (+4=6-1) and Korchnói (+3=19-2). At just 23, Kárpov was crowned the official world title challenger.

The championship match was to take place the following year, in 1975. But when all the chess enthusiasts were eager to watch a new confrontation between the two best players of the moment, and just as captured in the opening lines of the great 1993 movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer” (“Innocent Moves” in the United Kingdom), “Then Bobby Fischer made the most original and unexpected move of all: he disappeared…”.

This book is precisely about what could have happened but never did, it looks back at the lives of these two chess geniuses, and includes an imaginary match between the two of them consisting of 24 games based on their opening repertoire up to 1975, also taking into account the possible novelties discovered in later years. Who will end up winning…?

Fischer vs. Karpov: The 1975 World Chess Championship – Paperback on Amazon.com (US)

Fischer vs. Karpov: The 1975 World Chess Championship – eBook on Amazon.com (US)

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